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[vdr] Re: OSD redesign in VDR 1.3.x

Klaus Schmidinger <> wrote:

> Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:

> > but SetBitmap() will draw the cBitmap object into a global
> > framebuffer i guess. so this will not work. then i have all the
> > difficulties with background saving and bitmaps moving over each
> > other, i explaind above.:-(
> Well, this would still be a very hardware specific thing and probably
> wouldn't work on other hardware.

very true. the only other thing i can think of that brings THAT
functionality is OpenGL.
> The most generic way of implementing the OSD is certainly to assume
> there is one big drawing area. The "sub-area" stuff I want to
> implement (which basically is what the cWindows do now, just without
> the stacking and relocating) is a compromise to be able to run VDR
> with the existing hardware.

so maybe you can allow plugins to switch on/off vdrs OSD rendering on
demand? then i would be able to implement my own OSD driver within my
plugin with the limitation, that this will only work on dvb cards.


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