I wrote a patch to Steve Toth hvr3000 repository, so my FlyDVB Trio can use
multiple frontend.
So I get:
The bus of the two frontend is shared, isn't possible to get access to both
frontend simultaneously, so I get an -EBUSY error by trying accessing
frontend1 if frontend0 is …
[View More]in use.
VDR doesn't support yet the second frontend, and it try to get exclusive
access on both frontend on start, so the second frontend is inusabile.
Vdr should probe for multiple frontend at start, and access frontend only on
channel change.
Please can someone give me an help to wrote a patch for this issue?
Best Regards,
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My v 1.6.0 system has 2x Alphacrypt multi-CAMs.
Occasionally one of the CAMs seems to "crash" and if I go into Setup > CAM
one of the CAMs changes from "Alphacrypt" to "CAM Ready" - and will no
longer decrypt channels. I then correspondingly get a bunch of timer
conflicts, as 1/2 my CAM resources have vanished. Only ever one CAM fails,
never both.
I rectify this by selecting the CAM, and then hitting "reset" (sometimes a
couple of times) - and it comes back.
Unless I go into …
[View More]the Setup > CAM menu, I'm unaware that the CAM has
My request is......
Is there a way I can either
1)Automatically reset a CAM if it falls into this state
2)Be notified, by generating a console/kernel message, so I can know to come
in and fix this.
Any ideas?
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Hash: SHA1
Hello list.
As the subject already says, this is about VDR portability, or how to get
VDR up and running on a FreeBSD system.
In times where we have such really nice plugins like softdevice and
streamdev, we no longer need real MPEG2 or DVB hardware in a VDR system.
As i want to use my FreeBSD systems to watch TV or play VDR recordings i
decided to give porting VDR to FreeBSD a try.
Attached you can find the results.
In short terms: It simply …
[View More]works!
The only missing feature right now is, starting VDR as root and switching
to another user (-u command line option).
For now it is possible to watch any recording made by a VDR with real
hardware if the video directory is directly accessible over the network
(mountable by the client) or the use the streamdev plugin to stream VDR to
All tests where done using a Linux system with two FF-DVB-S devices,
streamdev-server plugin and NFS exported video directory plus a wired and
a wireless FreeBSD-7.0 client running VDR with streamdev-client and
softdevice plugin.
As far as i could test the whole setup until now, everything works the
same way on FreeBSD as it does under Linux and i now have real
The patches are made in a way that a patched VDR will still compile under
Linux. Every modification, to the source or to the Makefiles is ifdef'd
out. So unless you say you want to compile VDR for FreeBSD you have an
unmodified version of source.
In case the ML software strips the attachments, the files are also
available for download at: ftp://ftp.frm2.tum.de/pub/jpulz/VDR/
Thoughts or comments from others are welcome.
- --
The beginning is the most important part of the work.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)
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Hi guys, do any of you have information with regards to Dual DVB-S2
Tuners on a PCI or preferably a PCI-E type card working on vdr?
I did have a look on http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/DVB-S2_PCIe_Cards
But only mentions 2 and they seem to be a rare find. Well at least where I live.
Does anybody else know of working DVB-S2 cards for Linux? I did find
plenty of Hybrid/Dual type cards but they seem to be supporting DVB-T
+ DVB-S/S2 and not even both at the same time :(
Any advice would …
[View More]be appreciated.
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El Viernes, 13 de Marzo de 2009, H. Langos escribió:
> Hi,
> I just installed vdr and vdradmin-am on Debian lenny and it seems that two
> years down the road the problem still exists. (Though in a more subtle way)
> I even tried the 3.6.4-1 from debian testing and still the pages have
> this in the head section:
> meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"
> My system default locale is en_US.UTF-8
> # cat /etc/default/…
[View More]locale
> LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
> Only switching to something like de_DE.UTF-8 seems to fix the problem.
> Seems like gettext('ISO-8859-1') is not the best way of handling
> encodings after all.
> Anyway, isn't it time to make a move towards a default UTF-8?
> cheers
> -henrik
> PS: I'm not subscribed to vdr or vdradmin-am. So please CC me.
In my case the problem is that the directory where the UTF8 locale is stored
if I change to:
All work ok.
Jose Alberto
> On Thu, Jan 01, 1970 at 12:00:00AM +0000, Jose Alberto Reguero wrote:
> > El Mi?rcoles, 28 de Marzo de 2007, Lucian Muresan escribi?:
> > > Jose Alberto Reguero wrote:
> > > > El Martes, 27 de Marzo de 2007, Harald Milz escribi?:
> > > >> Hi,
> > > >>
> > > >> is anyone working on a UTF-8 version of VDRadmin-AM? I'm using vdr
> > > >> with the UTF8 patch (de and ru) and need to always select UTF8
> > > >> manually in the browser to avoid seeing the ? stuff. Looking at the
> > > >> html files in template/default/, I see everything is hardcoded in
> > > >> iso-8859-1, but that should be a configuration option. Setting
> > > >> LANG=de_DE.utf8 doesn't help, it is silently ignored.
> > > >>
> > > >> Anyone?
> > > >>
> > > >> THX.
> > > >
> > > > I run:
> > > >
> > > > sed -i -e s/ISO-8859-1/UTF-8/g *.html
> > > >
> > > > in the template/default/ directory.
> > >
> > > Andreas Mair already adopted my UTF-8 patch for the vdradmin locales,
> > > months and versions ago. It patches the makefile and adds targets for
> > > generating the UTF-8 locales out of the stock ones. For more info,
> > > check this thread:
> > > http://www.linuxtv.org/pipermail/vdr/2006-July/010116.html
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Lucian
> >
> > I use make.sh utf8add and make.sh po but the html files in
> > template/default/ still have references to ISO-8859-1, as Harald Milz
> > says, and firefox put the encoding to ISO-8859-1. That is with
> > vdradmin-am-3.5.3.
> >
> > Jose Alberto
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I've just moved to the US from Europe and trying to get my head around
ATSC. I have a Hauppauge HVR950q which works in Windoze and Linux (With
Kaffeine) and almost with VDR (my preferred platform).
I have it normally connected to Comcast cable which should pipe through
a bunch of FTV channels using QAM256. These I can see and hear in
kaffeine with AC97 audio. However, in VDR it appears to change the pids
automatically so that the audio stops working. If I manually change VDR
to not auto …
[View More]update and put the APID in then it squeeks rather than
works. However, streaming to mplayer using streamdev seems to work. (It
does the same this with OTA channels too - although I can only get 4
with a portable antenna.)
I am using Ubuntu's VDR source 1.6.0 something or other, but patched
with the ATSC patch.
I had a really hard time trying to work out the channels.conf file, and
in the end settled for something like:
This is after VDR has eaten the audio pid away. Normally this is one
number higher than the vpid. So for WIFR 1985, WQRF 2049 etc.
I'm willing to believe I've cocked it up as nothing I had would
automatically scan the QAM channels. In the end I used scan and it added
"VDR Doesn't support ATSC yet" instead of M256:C:0.
Thanks guys... Fairly soon my shipping will arrive from Italy with my
main server, sat cards and Hauppauge MVP's to stick around the house. I
wonder what could possibly go wrong?
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I've just upgraded from vdr-xine 0.8.0 to 0.9.3 (well overdue) and I'm
having audio problems.
When each of the following lines appeared in std-out, it coincides with
skips in audio and gaps in audio sync
buffered 6.3 frames (v:10.9, a:6.3)
buffered 7.1 frames (v:13.5, a:7.1)
buffered 8.5 frames (v:14.5, a:8.5)
buffered 9.1 frames (v:15.1, a:9.1)
buffered 10.3 frames (v:16.7, a:10.3)
buffered 11.1 frames (v:17.3, a:11.1)
buffered 12.2 frames (v:18.8, a:12.2)
buffered 13.5 frames (v:19.7, …
[View More]a:13.5)
buffered 14.1 frames (v:20.2, a:14.1)
buffered 15.4 frames (v:21.0, a:15.4)
I might have to revert back to vdr-xine-0.8.0 again - this was the same
problem I had with all versions beyond 0.8.0, and previous attempts to
Any ideas?
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