sorry for just jumpin in.
haven't read the whole thread, and i don't know all details,
i just want to say:
my current (ya)vdr:
- asus at3iont-t (deluxe, for extern 19V) attached to my flat, sound over hdmi
- it has serial port, and one pci-e.
- mc-1200 case (but built-in remote not really working yet)
the only noise is now coming from my harddrives, as this machine currently
is more than a video player.
so an ssd would make this machine completly silent.
sometimes the cpu heat is nearly 60C°, but as i said, i do more than just
watching tv and hd movies. in this case, the machine gets instable.
xbmc can play 1080p, but more details i can't say,
for i have not that knowledge...
Brain fried - core dumped.