*** CALL FOR PAPERS - MUM 2023 ***
Deadline for Full and Short Papers: 29th of August 2023, AoE
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit:
https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=papers *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Multimedia, will be …
[View More]held in Vienna, Austria, December 3rd – 6th. MUM is an
interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous
multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM, academics and
practitioners discuss challenges and achievements in this field from
diverse perspectives, such as interaction techniques, user research, system
development, software solutions, and devices. This edition of MUM aims to
continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established
by previous MUM conferences.
* Submission Guidelines and List of Topics *
We welcome submissions of high-quality papers that offer original and
unpublished contributions relevant to mobile and ubiquitous multimedia.
Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Prototypes and systems tackling relevant technical challenges
- Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, learning,
entertainment, social networking, and advertising
- Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
- Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new
applications and services
- Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
- Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous
- Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
- Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
- Interaction and collaboration with human-centered AI systems
- Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and
ubiquitous multimedia systems
- User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for
mobile and ubiquitous systems
- Interaction design for automotive and other modes of transportation
- Fabrication and device prototyping
Papers should be grounded in existing literature and knowledge, and
should be written for an interdisciplinary audience. Papers must be
submitted via EasyChair by *August 29th, 2023, AoE* at the latest.
Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of the International
Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be available in
the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of
researchers and practitioners worldwide. The correct template for
submissions is the ACM Primary Article Template in single-column format (in
PDF format). Submissions should be prepared using either the single-column
Word Submission Template or the single-column LaTeX template (using the
“manuscript, review, anonymous” style available in the template).
Submissions can be of variable length. Paper length must be based on the
weight of the contribution, with 16 pages (excluding references) in
single-column format being valued as long papers in past editions and 7
pages (excluding references) in single-column format being valued as short
papers in past editions.
- Successful submissions of around 16 pages typically represent
significant empirical, theoretical, or methodological advances in the
- Successful submissions of around 7 pages offer more focused
contributions; they are not intended to be work-in-progress reports.
Instead, they should offer complete, rigorously developed work with a solid
contribution to the field. Short papers have a smaller scope or more
focused contribution than long papers.
Submissions should not have been previously published or be concurrently
under submission. Papers must be anonymized. Submitted papers will undergo
a rigorous double-blind review process managed by the Program Chairs. Each
submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, chosen from
the pool of members of the Program Committee listed below. This pool of
reviewers features experts from the previous edition and new researchers to
address new emerging research areas and underrepresented communities.
Papers will be assigned through a bidding process. Authors are encouraged
to submit an optional video of a maximum of 6 minutes to support their
submission. To ensure all reviewers can view videos, authors should use the
H.264 encoding and the MP4 file format. The bit rate of videos can be
lowered to accommodate the upload limits of EasyChair (max. 50 MB per
Link to Submission System:
* Important Dates *
Submission: August 29th, 2023 (AoE)
Notification to authors: October 5th, 2023
Conference dates: December 3th - December 6th, 2023
* Technical Program Chairs *
Pascal Knierim, University of Innsbruck
Jonna Häkkilä, University of Lapland
All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
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*** CALL FOR DEMOS- MUM 2023***
*Demos Submission Deadline: 9th of October 2023, AoE*
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit:
https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=demos *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
- MUM is an interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile
and ubiquitous multimedia systems, applications, …
[View More]and services. At MUM,
academics and practitioners gather to discuss challenges and achievements
in this field from diverse perspectives, such as *interaction
techniques, user research, system development, software solutions, and
devices.* This edition of MUM aims to continue the tradition of
innovation and excellence in research established by previous MUM
- The MUM demo track provides an opportunity to present a hands-on
demonstration of your work, research, service, prototype, or product
addressing one or more of the topics listed below. Traditionally, MUM
maintains an open and experimental attitude to demos, welcoming submissions
from authors with a variety of backgrounds. We want to see and play with
your *prototypes, services, devices, systems,* and innovative examples
of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. We encourage making your demonstration
visually or otherwise appealing to attract attention from conference
*List of Topics and Submission Guidelines*
Demo topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Architectures, systems, algorithms and other constructions tackling
relevant technical challenges
- Augmented, mixed, and virtual reality systems and applications
- Case studies, field trials, or user experience evaluations of new
applications and services
- Conceptualizations and theorizations of the field
- Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services
- Metrics and measures for evaluating and testing mobile and ubiquitous
- Middleware and distributed computing support for mobile and ubiquitous
- Novel applications for mobile and ubiquitous gaming, entertainment,
networking, and advertising
- Privacy and security-related challenges to multimedia systems
- Social implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
- Tools and development environments for building mobile, wearable, and
ubiquitous multimedia systems
- User interfaces, interaction design, and interaction techniques for
mobile and ubiquitous systems
- Fabrication and device prototyping
- Demo submissions should be *maximum 3 pages* (excluding
references).The submission should be prepared as a PDF file, in
single-column format, using either Word or LaTeX ACM Primary Article
If LaTeX is used, single-column mode should be configured by using
*"\documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}"* as document
class setting. Submissions will undergo a review process managed by the
demonstration chairs. Demos must be submitted via EasyChair
- This year, authors are required to submit a three minute video with
their submission showing a detailed hands-on presentation of their demo as
well as an additional document (.pdf or .txt) with the *list of
hardware* they
would need to bring to the venue.
- Demo submissions should not have been previously published or be
concurrently under submission elsewhere. Demo submissions should not be
anonymized and will undergo a *single-blind review process.* Final
camera-ready versions of accepted submissions must be accompanied by a
signed copyright form. Accepted demos will appear in the Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, which will be
available in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to
thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.
Link to Submission System:
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: October 9th, 2023, AoE
Notification of review decision: October 17th, 2023
Camera ready deadline: November 9th, 2023
Conference dates: December 3rd – December 6th, 2023
*Demo Chairs*
Paweł W. Woźniak, Chalmers University of Technology
Yomna Abdelrahman, Bundeswehr University Munich
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: demos2023(a)mum-conf.org
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*Doctoral Consortium Submission Deadline: 9th of October 2023*
* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
*For the online version of this Call, please visit:
https://mum-conf.org/2023/index.php?web=doctoral *
* MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Multimedia | Vienna, Austria, December 3-6, 2023 *
- MUM 2023, the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
Multimedia, will be …
[View More]held in Vienna, Austria, December 3rd – 6th. MUM is an
interdisciplinary forum for advances in research of mobile and ubiquitous
multimedia systems, applications, and services. As part of the Mobile and
Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) conference, we conduct a joint seminar for PhD
students from the various sub-disciplines related to mobile media,
ubiquitous computing, and human-computer interaction. The doctoral
consortium (DC) will take place on-site on Sunday, Dec 3, 2023, before the
main conference.
- The DC will be an opportunity for a small group of PhD students to
meet and discuss their work with each other and with a panel of experienced
researchers in the field, in an informal and interactive setting. We
welcome applications from current PhD students studying in any area of
relevance to the MUM community. PhD students at any stage of the PhD can
apply. Depending on the stage the DC may provide helpful feedback for
narrowing down a topic, discussing methodological and technical aspects of
the ongoing research, or on the framing and presentation of the results in
a thesis.
* Submission Guidelines*
- To apply for participation in the DC, we ask you to submit a 2-4 pages
long paper in Word or LaTeX (using the ACM Primary Article Template)
The paper should describe the context and motivation of your PhD research,
the problem and aims that drive your research and your research objectives,
hypothesis, and/or questions. It should further describe and explain your
(proposed) research approach and methods, and include a discussion of
results you may already have. Please also include the context of your PhD,
i.e., the university programme in which you conduct your PhD, the status of
your PhD, the expected completion date, and any other relevant information
on your PhD situation.
- Submissions will not be peer-reviewed. We will select students for
participation with a view of prioritising those who would likely benefit
most. Accepted students will be asked to prepare a presentation on their
PhD research, and a poster which will be included in the MUM 2023 poster
track. Submissions must be submitted via e-mail to dc.mum2023(a)hcilab.org.
For accepted doctoral consortium submissions, the author can select if s/he
wants the submission to be included to the conference proceedings.
- If you are invited to participate, you must register regularly for the
day of the PhD seminar or for the whole conference – or apply to
participate free of charge as a student volunteer.
Your submission should be 2-4 pages. Please use the template and include
the following:
- Your name, Advisor(s) name(s), and the university where you are
conducting your doctoral work. Submissions should NOT be anonymous.
- Current year of study and projected completion date (plus information
about the regulations of your PhD program regarding length, any part-time
study, etc.)
Please address the following questions if applicable for you research:
- Which problem do you solve? Why is this problem important? What do you
want to find out?
- Which steps do you plan to take, and how do you evaluate your results?
- Which research papers (not more than 3) are related most to your
research? How does your work differ?
- What have you found out so far? What’s next?
- What’s still missing? Where do you need help? Where would you want to
*Submissions must be submitted via e-mail to dc.mum2023(a)hcilab.org.
*Important Dates*
Submission: October 9th, 2023
Decision Notification: October 17th, 2023
Camera-ready Deadline: November 9th, 2023
Conference Dates: December 3rd, 2023
*Doctoral Consortium Chairs*
Albrecht Schmidt, LMU Munich
Jasmin Niess, University of Oslo
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: dc.mum2023(a)hcilab.org
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