
  • 2 participants
  • 6731 discussions
sub-titles on Arte
by Peter Münster 27 Feb '15

27 Feb '15

23 Feb '15
13 16
0 0
merge 3 recordings of the same show to remove glitches?
by cedric.dewijsï¼ telfort.nl 19 Feb '15

19 Feb '15

18 Feb '15
Coordinating translations for VDR 2.2.0
by Klaus Schmidinger 17 Feb '15

17 Feb '15
Restart of frontend
by René 16 Feb '15

16 Feb '15
10 13
0 0

14 Feb '15
Updated Swedish translation strings
by Magnus Sirwiö 12 Feb '15

12 Feb '15
[ANNOUNCE] VDR developer version 2.1.10
by Klaus Schmidinger 11 Feb '15

11 Feb '15
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