On Nov 13, 2007 7:12 PM, syrius.ml@no-log.org wrote:
"mike lewis" lachlanlewis@gmail.com writes:
I've used vdr-xine, and I've used xinelibout for vdr. I've just ogt a general question, as they both seem to have similar functionality (or at least they both satisfy my need for a software client head to vdr. What's the driver for vdr-xine? I've heard people say xinelibout is "better" because it is more stable. But, whats the reality?
If you've used both you should be able to compare them, shouldn't you ?
Well no, as I used them in the past and my media box died; and my memory isn't all that good.. so now I'm re-assessing my new solution based on running linux on a ps3; and I can't compare them until I've installed them both... Which is basically what I want to avoid ;-).
I've also used both. Now i'm only using xineliboutput because (just facts, no attack !)
- it has support for network without patching for longer
- it doesn't require me to recompile libxine
- network features are more advanced
- i can have more that one frontend watching/sharing the same channel.
- now i just aptitude install libxine1-xvdr to install the client side.
Yes, the "support" for users like me on something like ubuntu is one reason why i'm likely to go down the path xinelibout.
Obviously the two plugins are both great plugins. And, Reinhard you do a really good job providing patches for vdr & xine ! Thanks a lot.
I guess the hidden question was "have you ever considered to merge the two projects ?", wasn't it ? :)
Well no, my question probably should have been: whats the difference between the two plugins; if I'm using either simply as a software headend (similar to softdevice, but not permanently on) is their any feature which would drive the selection of xinelibout over vdr-xine?
My question would be: "one vdr, one xineliboutput plugin, 2 dvb cards, 2 independant frontends displaying different channels(+osd and stuff) without streamdev, has it been considered ?" :)
I think the answer there is to use one vdr per head-end.
Thanks for jumping on board the Q&A session! hehe.'