Le mercredi 24 octobre 2007 à 09:04 +0200, Reinhard Nissl a écrit :
The picture was very good, but there was dropped frames that xine reported and the stuttered on occassion and then ran very quickly to catch up. Playing around with the settings in xine (setting threads to 2 etc) didn't really make much difference. However, for the first time I've spent playing with this I was impressed with the picture quality out of VDR. Top reported that the CPU was ~40% idle so I don't know why I saw dropped frames...
Frame duration wasn't set at all in xine-lib for this case. xine-lib-1.2 contains now a fix for this issue. The fix is part of vdr-xine-0.8.0's xine-lib.patch for xine-lib-1.1.8, too.
Where can I find xine-lib-1.2?
Without patching and using the 0.3.0 CPU is back down under 40% on my Epia M10000