No, and I am little confused where is the version I could try with vdr.1.7.x. I found out 3 candidates while googling, should I try one of these with vdr-1.7.3 or some other one?
-, This page mentions the patch
only for vdr-1.5
- VDR-Extensions-Patch-65/vdr-1.7.2_extensions.diff seems to include
livebuffer patch (but has unfortunately also many other patches within same patch and wont propably apply with 1.7.3)
- VDR-Extensions-Patch-65/plugin-patches/setup-0.3.1-livebuffer.diff
You should be able to use the VDR Extensions Patch 65 (with VDR 1.7.2). I have not tried it soo far, as I am still running VDR 1.7.1.
You can enable single pathes in the "patch pack", so you don't have to apply them all.
What's this "patch pack"? Do you mean the patch selection by commenting/uncommenting individual patches from Make.config.template that the vdr-1.7.2_extensions.diff modifies?
Anyway, for vdr-1.7.3, the vdr-1.7.2_extensions.diff failed to apply in many places. For vdr-1.7.2 the patch applied as expected, but I have not yet tried the LiveBuffer/vdr-xineliboutput in there.