---- Original Message ----- From: "Darren Salt" linux@youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk To: vdr@linuxtv.org Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 2:10 AM Subject: Re: [vdr] Hauppauge LIRC remote, FC3, buttons
The -kernel patch is applicable to 2.6.x kernel source and the LinuxTV DVB driver tarballs (1.1.0, 1.1.1 and possibly some older versions); the -linuxtv patch is for DVB CVS (and *should* still be applicable; I've not checked recently). For the record, these are based on the IR keymap interface in the av7110 code.
Please excuse my ignorance, but do I need to patch and compile both the kernel and the DVB-CVS? Or should I use the -kernel patch for if I'm doing DVB in the kernel tree and -linuxtv if I'm doing DVB outside the kernel tree?
(BTW, you need to switch on text wrapping or to stop using OE.)
Thanks. You never know these things unless someone tells you!