I demand that syrius.ml@no-log.org may or may not have written...
"mike lewis" lachlanlewis@gmail.com writes:
I've used vdr-xine, and I've used xinelibout for vdr. I've just ogt a general question, as they both seem to have similar functionality (or at least they both satisfy my need for a software client head to vdr. What's the driver for vdr-xine? I've heard people say xinelibout is "better" because it is more stable. But, whats the reality?
If you've used both you should be able to compare them, shouldn't you ?
I've also used both. Now i'm only using xineliboutput because (just facts, no attack !)
- it doesn't require me to recompile libxine
Neither does vdr-xine (if you're using xine-lib-1.2).
- now i just aptitude install libxine1-xvdr to install the client side.
# aptitude install vdr-plugin-xine gxine/experimental
(That'd install vdr-xine 0.7.11; the xine-lib snapshot in experimental isn't new enough for 0.8.0.)