Am Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:02:09 +0200 schrieb Thomas Maaß
|Hi! |I use epgsearch's searchtimer to record my favorite series. |But there could be a problem when using automatic shutdown |and wakeup. When there is no event in the current epg, the |searchtimer will not be updated any more. The shutdown script |will get no wakeup time, because there is no timer. The VDR will |do no wakeup, and no more searchtimer records will be done. |Maybe an option could be added to VDR to force a boot once a |day. When the next timer is later than a specific time, set the |wakeup time to this time. So you could make sure, that VDR is |booted once a day, and the searchtimer could be updated. No |searchtimer recording would be lost. | |Thomas |
for this special epgsearch szenario, i have written a very minimalistic autotimer plugin. If you are interested I can post it.