Am Mittwoch, den 25.11.2009, 08:48 +0100 schrieb Matthias Fechner:
I have now replaced my primary video with a nice Atom board and inserted there a Tevii S470 card. Output is via HDMI and the xineliboutput plugin.
It is working really great, thanks a lot for the really fantastic software!
But I have now a big problem. I upgraded now from vdr 1.7.2 to 1.7.10. If I record now a normal PAL movie I cannot replay it with my FF card on my old TV. Sound is stuck and picture as well. I had a similar problem with vdr 1.7.9 and went then back to 1.7.2 which solved the problem. But now I cannot switch back to an older version because xine will not work then without patching a ot of stuff.
Is there a know issue with vdr newer 1.7.2 and replay on a FF (TechnoTrend Rev 1.3) card?
You need a new driver/firmware for your FF card to support TS playback. The latest v4l drivers include the correct version. I have the same card and it works just fine with VDR 1.7.9.
Bye, Matthias