I atach the log of oprofile for 60 sg playing a recorded program with linux-2.6.10 and linux-2.6.11-bk4. Any ideas? Thanks Jose Alberto
El Jueves, 3 de Marzo de 2005 11:35, Jose Alberto Reguero escribió:
I still have the same problem with kernel 2.6.11 vdr 1.3.22 and vdr-xine 0.7.2 How I can debug the problem? Thanks. Jose Alberto
El Jueves, 24 de Febrero de 2005 12:18, Jose Alberto Reguero escribió:
I have heavy cpu load (60 % - 80 %) when playing recorded programs whith kernels 2.6.11 (kernel 2.6.11-rc5 for amd64) with vdr 2.3.21 and vdr-xine-0.7.1. Whith kernel 2.6.10 there is no problem. Thanks. Jose Alberto
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