I am using that version of streamdev with pvr-testing2 ok. This is my setup:
Streamdev plugin for XBMC http://streamdev.vdr-developer.org/
http://streamdev.vdr-developer.org/snapshots/vdr-streamdev-0.5.0-pre-200 90706.tgz
PVR testing version of XBMC http://www.xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=45314&highlight=pvr
svn checkout http://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xbmc/branches/pvr-testing2
Patch VDR 1.7.7 with extensions (for Streamdev extension and parental rating) http://www.zulu-entertainment.de/
cp Make.config.template Make.config
Edit make.config enabling:
PARENTALRATING = 1 STREAMDEVEXT = 1 Other patches not required for XBMC.
The parental rating patch just gives nice colouring on the epg for tv show categories.
Development is very active and shows much promise. Disappointing deinterlacing though. There is good support for VDPAU but with only half rate temporal. I believe there is the intention to support full rate deinterlacing... eventually.
several days ago the xbmc developers have added in trunk the support of full rate temporal and temporal_spatial. You can test them.