I agree with you. I hope, dynamite was a little inspiration for you. :)
Yes, I used it for some time. Thanks a lot for your work, Lars!
I plan (for several years now, sadly) to break out the udev-part of dynamite to make the vdr more dynamic in device management. The idle-part is a good first step in that direction.
I remember I've read somewhere (may be at vdr-portal.de) that you had plans to re-work the dynamite plugin and implement the idle part separately.
- virtual void PowerDown(bool On) {}; + ///< Actually powers
the device down/up.
I think the name of the parameter is a bit misleading. With On == true you mean, that the device is powered down. Either rename the parameter to "Down" or the function to something like "PowerSaveMode".
Well, it's a matter of style. "On" is a typical VDR name for such arguments. "Down" looks good as well as "PowerSaveMode" or "PowerDownMode". I'll consider this change. Thanks.
Best, Sergey Chernyavskiy.