Christian Wieninger wrote:
Why don't you just give your plugin a dedicated function that does exactly what you want? You'll just need to typecast the cPlugin pointer you have to the particular type and can then call that plugin's additional functions.
Or am I missing something here?
but this would force the 'client'-plugin, that wants to use some functions of the 'server'-plugin, to include a header, that defines the extended plugin-class. Or how should the client-plugin know about the additional functions?
It would have to know about exactly which parameters to provide, anyway. Where's the problem with including the proper header file?
And what, if the server-plugin isn't installed?
Then you won't get it through cPluginManager::GetPlugin(const char *Name). Or how do you get the plugin, anyway?
I agree to Udo, that a general purpose interface would be a better solution.
I don't - at least not yet. Including the proper header file and calling a dedicated function seems much more reasonable to me.