On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 02:13:25PM +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
What do you mean by "native h.264 support"?
VDR just records the TS and sends it to the output device. It doesn't care too much about the actual contents. It's up to the output devices to replay h.264.
Or is there something missing that I'm not seeing at the moment?
Didn't test vdr-1.7.4 (about to) but since 1.7.3 it works really great with vdr-xine and xine-lib-1.2 :-) (I also use vdpau : http://www.jusst.de/vdpau/files/xine-lib-1.2/ ).
I don't think anything is missing (maybe an easy way to convert all recordings done in h.264 which weren't in TS ?).