On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 16:39 +0200, Thomas Hilber wrote: 1. for the moment please encomment both in 'radeon_video.c' and 'drift_control'
Done, recompiled + reinstall the .deb, and recompiled the drift_control binary..
- run 'drift_control a'
it is important after some time 'sync point displacement' and 'drift speed' are floating around zero.
overall comp floats -1 to 2, but sync point floats -44 to +45, and drift speed floats -40 to +40. ta absolute + clipped are 5 -> 7. I find it odd that my 'vbls' value is 15500 when yours is 43000..
- stop drift_control
- unload all dvb modules (there are known issues with some)
I forgot to mention this before - I'm not using any dvb modules - I'm using the streamdev-client to source live TV via HTTP from my live VDR box.
I'll have to wait until I can be in front of the machine to try the other tests.. will follow-up then.
Many thanks for your time and effort :)
Cheers, Gavin.