2007/11/13, Luca Olivetti luca@ventoso.org:
Note that 0.8.0 has network support built-in.
I know but you still have to patch and recompile xine-lib... Are there any problems in submitting the needed patch to the mainstream xine-lib distribution?
A nice feature that vdr-xine has over xineliboutput, is that it
automatically sets itself as the primary device when a connection comes, and when the connection is closed it restores the previous primary device. This way I can either watch locally with the dxr3-plugin or remotely with vdr-xine.
I only have Skystar2/Airstai2 budget cards, so it's not an issue for me. A feature that allows to watch different channels on clients at the same time (without using multiple vdr installations and streamdev) would definetely make me switch back to vdr-xine :)