I've released version 0.5 of my kvdrmon KDE applet. This applet does some VDR monitoring visible in the KDE kicker.
- The disk space indicator is a bit more configurable now - Tooltips and popups are now using HTML for better readability - The disk space information inside the tooltip shows the needed space for the running and the next scheduled recording(s).
As every new release there is also a new version of the VDR helper plugin. You can download kvdrmon-0.5 and vdr-kvdrmon-0.5 at http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=88863&package_id=169572
Gentoo users using the portage tree from gentoo.de can simply do
emerge kvdrmon emerge vdr-kvdrmon
Further informations are available at http://vdr-statusleds.sf.net/kvdrmon
Have fun, Bernd