Thanks to Frank for updating the tarball on :)
It compiles and loads cleanly on my VDR 1.6.0 system - I can see the new HTTP menu with javascript categories (nice! :) but the basic feature of streaming via HTTP fails.
I have moved the streamdevhosts.conf into /video/plugins/streamdev-server but even when I launch a simple
# curl http://localhost:82/101
... I get no data returned :( The logs don't say much:
Sep 20 10:56:19 telly vdr: [10118] Streamdev: Accepted new client (HTTP) Sep 20 10:56:28 telly vdr: [10118] client (HTTP) has closed connection Sep 20 10:56:28 telly vdr: [10118] streamdev: closing streamdev connection to Sep 20 10:56:28 telly vdr: [10118] buffer stats: 0 (0%) used
This is vanilla 1.6.0 with the -1 + -2 patches applied, but nothing else. Commandline is just "./vdr -Pskinsoppalusikka -Pstreamdev-server"
Any ideas warmly received :)
Cheers, Gavin.