For all, who wonder, where this change for vdr 2.1.3 comes from:
- The Recordings menu can now be called with a cRecordingFilter, which allows the caller to have it display only a certain subset of the recordings
here's the plugin, which uses it: recsearch
It's a simple search for name, shorttext and description, the status (new/edited) and age of a recording. The main reason for me was to get a quick list of the new recordings of the last week.
You can save various templates, organize them in categories and add a hotkey to them, so you can use something like
User1 @recsearch 1
in your keymacros.conf to quickly execute a search.
For vdr versions older than 2.1.3 there's a clone of the recordings menu of vdr 2.0.4 included, so you can use it for the current stable release.
Comments are welcome.