Message: 4 Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 10:59:53 +0200 From: Steffen Barszus Subject: Re: [vdr] Arabic language EPG is inappropriately displayed
Question to sami which remains:
- What Locale you have set ? (ar_??)
- Is the rest of the menus english or translated ?
The VDR menu in yavdr0.2 does not support Arabic i.e There is no Arabic option to set.
Where is the Locale Option? All I did was editing the /etc/default/vdr and ADDING this line:
VDR_CHARSET_OVERRIDE="ISO-8859-6" ,,, The "ISO-8859-6" is the Arabic ISO
The result now Arabic lettrs per se are recognized(they were appearing squares before) but as I said they are set to be read from left to right and the letters are seperated from each other.
I used XBMC LIve TV and the TV guide is displayed fine. So I think something has to be changed in VDR code perhaps. I hope Klaus help us in this issue.
Regards Sami