I tried start using vdr 1.5.11, but still I have problems with subtitles. Can't see them. When I arrive to channel where subtitles exists, OSD tell me that subtitles present. I can use my "User5" key to get list of available titles. But nothing comes to screen. What is missing? Or do I have something too much?
I have compiled (gentoo system) vdr with next flags: cmdsubmenu cutterlimit cutterqueue cuttime ddepgentry dolbyinrec dvbplayer dvbsetup dvdarchive dvdchapjump dvlfriendlyfnames dvlrecscriptaddon dvlvidprefer graphtft hardlinkcutter iptv jumpplay liemikuutio livebuffer mainmenuhooks menuorg osdmaxitems sortrecords sourcecaps submenu syncearly timercmd timerinfo wareagleicon yaepg -debug -lnbshare -noepg -pinplugin -rotor -settime -setup -ttxtsubs -validinput -vanilla