Am 29.06.2010 20:36, schrieb Timothy D. Lenz:
The problem is, it doesn't properly change the entry. This is the summary for the timer as it first sets up:
<epgsearch><channel>90 - KGUN</channel><searchtimer>Castle</searchtimer><start>1278561540</start><stop>1278565260</stop><s-id>85</s-id><eventid>18498</eventid></epgsearch>
And just changing the channel, it does this:
This "<channel>" entry is just for information and is not used in the conflict check. epgsearch tries to simulate all future recordings in its conflict check. It checks if your devices are able to record the timers channel at the given time. This is done by 'simply' using the same algorithm as VDR when it has to decide what device should be used for a recording at the timer start. So even things like working CAMs are checked. Perhaps you could enable verbose logging to see the single steps of the conflict check:
-P'epgsearch -v 3'
Another problem I've run into, vdradmin only allows you to set a flat total number of dvb cards. It doesn't allow for the fact that not all the cards are the same. I had a second dual atsc tuner which went bad and will be replaced. So right now I have 2 tuners, but only 1 of each time and will have 4, but again, only 1 is sat.
Some of this maybe a problem with epgsearch plugin since that is where the search and auto timer setups is done.
as far as I know, vdradmin uses epgsearch's conflict check. epgsearch itself determines the available devices and their properties and supported sources with the same means as VDR itself. So a mix of different cards and different sources should be no problem.
BR, Christian