2009/2/20 Alex Betis alex.betis@gmail.com:
Hi all,
I wonder what am I doing wrong.
The problem is that when this script is run in background (& at the end), the job is shown as "stopped". I've tried to run vdr-sxfe itself in background, it opens the window and the job stops. I know there is a switch that will run it in daemon mode, but that's not that good for the script I want to have.
I think I hit the problem you are having before, but in my current solution I do not need to face it. Currently, I log in automatically via kdm, which loads KDE (could be xfce or whatever you want, though I haven't tested because currently I want to use KDE) and automatically runs a script (~/.kde/Autostart/vdr-sxfe.sh) that starts vdr-sxfe. I don't background the vdr-sxfe.sh process in the script. I have two loops there; the second is in case vdr-sxfe crashes, to restart vdr-sxfe (vdr-sxfe doesn't do that anymore quite often) and the second is for suspend / resume (some parts of lirc/VFD don't like suspend on my setup). The latter waits from the start of suspend until end of resume to restart vdr-sxfe. And, also it looks for the errorlevel of vdr-sxfe ehwn it exits; if it is not a "clean" one, it assumes it was not initiated by the user (and allows automatic shutdowns).
Do you really need to background vdr-sxfe the way you try to do it? On my setup, If I want to exit vdr-sxfe to use the desktop (actually, I don't need to do that but I can, also this disable automatic shutdowns on my setup via a kludge) I just press esc on my keyboard to shutdown vdr-sxfe (this leaves vdr running in the background). I have bound another button to restart vdr-sxfe again (to enable automatic shutdowns etc.). You could kill all running vdr-sxfe sessions whenever you run the script again (so that would actually work as a restart, too, Though, I don't need restarting vdr-sxfe, so I haven't done it). I can send my script if you need it.
The rest might be offtopic or not, but I think in general your problem is related to a lack of documentation / examples / init scripts etc. needed when configuring VDR to display via X (as opposed to a full featured card or some other deticated output device that doesn't require X) At least for gentoo there are nice init sciĆipts and configuration files for VDR and its plugins. But it seems that the init scripts assume that a user has a full-featured card or another deticated ouput device for the TV. But if one needs X for the display instead (which more and more users will be using for several reasons), I'm still really in the dark how to do that elegantly. Not even the vdr-sxfe documentation had examples / ideas of ho to achieve the automation! I.e. I want to have a VDR showing the picture via HDMI without having to log in and running vdr-sxfe manually every time.
The problem might actually lie in the several differen't use cases there are; some setup might only use the X for a deticated VDR, but some other users would need other software to run under the X session, too. In my case, I needed VDR to start automatically whenever I push the power button, but still have an easy way to switch to other prorams and / or desktop. Of course this is a complicated matter, as depending on the distribution / init scripts used, VDR might be run as root or a detidcated user 'vdr', but the additional software would not be run as such. I found the dilemma very confusing.
So, I had sevveral questions but no ready solutions / answers; How should I start X.org / Which user should I run X as? Which user should run vdr-sxfe (or some other X output backend)? And if I'm not using a client/server setup, how on earth am I going to start an X session before the init scripts run VDR, to play along nicely with the init scripts? Do I need to log in as user 'vdr' (to start an X session) before running VDR? Is it possible to allow the VDR process (which is run as the user 'vdr') to connect to a X sessions, which is "owned" by a different user?
Currently, I solved this via kdm's features and a script I made myself to run at the start of a session as a regular user, and chose vdr-sxfe to run as a client/server solution (this was the only solution I was able to run at all with the init scripts Gentoo came with). But I feel the script I made is really a dirty kludge =).
So I see there might be a need for documentation and solutions / examples on this kind of setups (at least I didn't find any if there already are). Can anyone point into such documentation? Does anyone have any good personal examples? How do you run your VDR with an X11 output? Do you use the VDR box for other uses? If yes, how do you integrate the other applications?
Hope this stirs some conversation =)