Hi. I'm running vdr-1.4.0 with pvrinput-0.1.1 and can't get any sound, or a clean picture.
All channels configured tune ok, but they have the top 2/3rds of the screen black & white with flickering distortion, a fuzzy bar below that and what looks like the remaining top of the picture, below that.
here's a bunch of my channels: 4 KOMO;KOMO:67250:C0I0:C:0:301:300:305:A1:12003:1:1089:0 5 KING;KING:77250:C0I0:C:0:301:300:305:A1:12003:1:1090:0 6 KONG;KONG:83250:C0I0:C:0:301:300:305:A1:12003:1:1091:0 7 KIRO;KIRO:175250:C0I0:C:0:301:300:305:A1:12003:1:1092:0 8 DSCP;DSCP:181250:C0I0:C:0:301:300:305:A1:12003:1:1093:0 9 KCTS;KCTS:187250:C0I0:C:0:301:300:305:A1:12003:1:1094:0 10 KTWB;KTWB:193250:C0I0:C:0:301:300:305:A1:12003:1:1095:0
(I gather the last 4 fields are arbitrary?)
the frequencies I obtained from ivtv-tune -l 4 67.250 5 77.250 6 83.250 7 175.250 8 181.250 9 187.250 10 193.250
also, if I set the 3rd field to C0I999 (PAL) it has no affect. If I set it to C0I1 (SECAM) it says 'can't start transfer mode' - which is what I would expect.
if I use ivtv, it works fine with freevo and mplayer: [vdruser@media vdr-1.4.0]$ ivtv-tune -c4 /dev/video0: 67.250 MHz (Signal Detected)
Am I doing this right?