vdr@daliman.de wrote:
Hi, i´m not Klaus but i answer. (I dont speak for Klaus to) It is not completely wrong to use ist, but it looks nicer with cChannels.Name() because it is shorter and more readable. Bye i.A. DaLiMan
Why would a channel's Name() be *shorter* than its ShortName()? If so, something is wrong with the channel data.
Klaus also use cChannels.ShotName() in the schedule menu of VDR so I wonder why it should be a wrong to use it.
The plugin patches the font at run time. So there is no need for the WarEagle-Icon-patch. The patch you provide adds icons to mark a channel as tv or radio channel. I don't have in mind to add this informations.
So I don't see this two issues as mistakes.
Greets, Martin (the author of Nordlicht's EPG-Plugin ;-) )