I recently built my VDR box with the following config: Suse 9.1, kernel 2.6 on PIII 550 with Nexus. ( i have to say this community is marvelous, i found help in every phase of the buliding) VDR running fine several days ago with the following plugins loaded: osdteletext, femon, dvd, subtitles and ttxtsubs. A couple of days ago i added to my config an LCD (20x4, HD44780, parallel port). I compiled LCDproc, LCDd server running fine, testing with the included lcdproc demo works ok. I added lcdproc plugin to my vdr, and i have the following problem: - when VDR starts, lcdproc connects to LCDd (i can see clients:1 on my display) - the welcome info appears on the display (Welcome to VDR, ver 1.3.36) - after about one second VDR exits without any info nor on /var/log/messages nor on VDR console - the Clients 0 message appears on the display (so the lcdproc plugin disconnencts from LCDd) - if i press the menu key when VDR starts, I have no problem entering the menu, and the menu items appears on the LCD! I can navigate through the menu items, recordings, etc, everything is displayed ok, but when I exit the VDR menu (with the back key or with starting to play a recording) VDR exits instantly. - i searched the list, but i did not find anybody meeting this kind of problem.
What I tried: - remove all the plugins except lcdproc - start LCDd with several configuration - recompiling everything (vdr, lcdproc plugin, LCDd, dvb drivers, everything - i'm desperate :) )
Anybody has a hint, what should i try?
I have another issue about recording subtitles, but let's discuss it later :)
Füley István