En/na Klaus Schmidinger ha escrit:
Luca Olivetti wrote:
En/na Klaus Schmidinger ha escrit:
- Implemented a timeout for remote controls that don't deliver "repeat"
keypresses very fast
Just nitpicking, but the actual problem was remotes that don't deliver a release event soon enough.
Well, maybe this is a general flaw of cLircRemote? Doesn't LIRC provide the information that the key has been released? That would make it unnecessary to wait for such a long time (REPEATDELAY) before signaling a "release".
I don't think it does (at least irw doesn't report anything on key release), but even if it did surely it'd have to use a timeout to detect that there's nothing more coming from the remote, so the problem would be the same (unless the remote itself sends something to signal a key release).