On 09/06/07, Petri Hintukainen phintuka@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
On Sat, 2007-06-09 at 18:15 +0100, Andrew Herron wrote:
I have several networked vdr machines that i want to use to connect back to the 'server' vdr machine. The networked vdr machines will have no dvb cards (they will all be located at the vdr server). How do i configure my vdr client machines to connect back to the server vdr machine and use its dvb cards/recording storage etc?
Can anyone give some guidance on this type of setup or point me at a url where I can find out about such a config?
If you don't watch different recordings / channels at the same time you can just run vdr-sxfe at each client and connect to the single VDR server. You'll get same video + OSD mirrored to all locations.
But, if you need to have independently controlled clients with own video and OSD, you need to run several instances of VDR - it doesn't matter if you run all VDR instances on server or at each client. I run several VDR instances on the server:
- less maintenance, only one installation of VDR and plugins required
- allows using diskless clients (and with less memory)
- Faster cutting / DVD burning / ... as there is no network between VDR and disks
- no need to export/mount /video to every client
- ...
Here's how I do it:
master VDR: DVB cards, recordings, server for client 1: vdr -c /etc/vdr \ -P"xineliboutput --local=none --remote=37890" \ -Pstreamdev-server server for client 2: vdr -c /etc/vdr2 \ -D 10 \ -P"xineliboutput --local=none --remote=37892" \ -Pstreamdev-client server for client 3: vdr -c /etc/vdr3 \ -D 10 \ -P"xineliboutput --local=none --remote=37894" \ -Pstreamdev-client
- other options / plugins you normally use.
Using -D 10 option for client VDR instances "forces" all DVB cards for master VDR. Streamdev plugin is used to provide live view for client VDR's, it is not required to just watch recordings. You must use separate configuration directory for each VDR (-c option). Without it you'll most likely break all recordings (all VDRs record all timers in paraller to same recording directory).
And at clients: Client 1: vdr-sxfe Client 2: vdr-sxfe xvdr://<server ip>:37892 Client 3: vdr-sxfe xvdr://<server ip>:37894
If you use RTP between vdr and vdr-sxfe, using separate RTP address or port for each xineliboutput server instance might be good idea.
Also it might be good idea to disable recording at all but the "master" vdr. Recording the same timer on two VDR instances will most likely corrupt whole recording. Besides that, doing all recordings directly from DVB card (no streamdev in middle) makes things simpler and less error prone. It is probably even impossible to do several recordings from different transponders using single streamdev instance. I use timersync plugin to disables recording on client VDRs. All timers are still visible at each client and you can create/modify timers at any client just as before. Plugin synchronizes all modifications to timers between VDR instances and takes care that all recordings are made only by "master" vdr. Still, if you have some kind of autotimer plugins etc. that generate timers automatically it might be better to run those only at server vdr...
This system is just what I'm looking to create, however I have one or two questions. (As usual..)
Is it possible to have one of the VDR 'servers/instances' to be running on one of the clients rather than the main server pc? The exact same setup except Client2 has an instance of VDR running in the background with 1 dvb card saving files to the server's /video mounted over nfs.
Ideally all Clients + Master VDR Server will see channels on Client 2's satellite feed and be able to register timers on that server.
If there was a way for PCI buses to traverse networks, then the location of the 3rd card wouldn't be an issue, but I don't believe that's possible...
There is currently no way for me to have all 3 DVB cards in the same box.