2010/3/13 Artem Makhutov artem@makhutov.org:
I had the same issue. The system was freezing several times per minute for a few seconds.
Yep, this sounds as the same problem I have/had.
All of this drivers won't work.
The only working driver for me was called something like this: 09XXXXX_tevii_xxxxx.rar
Unfortunatly this driver does not build with kernel 2.6.33 anymore. So I have to stick with 2.6.32-gentoo-r6.
I use Xubuntu 9.10 and that has 2.6.31. 2.6.33 and higher wont't do for me, because the nvidia kernel driver won't compile on 2.6.33 and higher.
Would you be willing to tar, compress it and upload both drivers somewhere? You may also mail them to me, my mailbox is quite large and can handle large attachements.
Files sent.
Got them, installed them. Issues gone! No freezes, no picture breakups, etc. Thank you very much for the drivers! :-)
Regards, Artem
Niels Wagenaar