Manfred Schmidt-Voigt schrieb:
Petri Helin schrieb:
Manfred Schmidt-Voigt wrote:
Hello List,
My configuration is a diskless VDR box with FF Card and xineliboutput without frontends. The client is the "out-of-the-box" xine-ui with the apropriate libs from the actual Debian SID on my desktop computer.
Is the xvdr-plugin for xine-lib ( in directory `xine-config --plugindir`) of the same version as the xineliboutput vdr-plugin? If not, please install also the cvs version of the xvdr-plugin and try again.
vdr mailing list
I have installed the latest CVS Version on both systems again. On the vdr box I have installed the plugin in the plugin tree of vdr (VDR/PLUGINS/src) and have done the following on my desktop machine: cvs ... make frontends make install
... and it has copied a fresh version of the libs to my /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.0 (see attachment)
... but same effects: OSD is only a shadow of an OSD after the first keypress its not longer accepting more button presses...
What else can I check?
vdr mailing list
I've got it now. My XINE Installation on the Desktop machine was a little bit mixed up. The xine-config --plugindir showed a path to 1.1.0 but when I started XINE it wants to load plugins from 1.20. During make frontends the plugins where installed in 1.1.0 and so XINE could not find them. After installing the libxine1-dev Version and reinstaling the frontends they went to 1.20 and now everything is OK!
Sorry for disturbing the list with such a suspicious installation..., but I know there are people on the german vdr-portal with nearly the same pictures. Maybe they should check also there installation. So at least this could help somebody.
Good night!