Actually, I think some of the properties are not well formatted. UPnP defines a strict pattern, which I implemented (hopefully) properly. However, some devices may ignore this pattern. I will try to find out, which of these parameters is the offending one.
2012/2/16 Teemu Suikki
There is an installation instructions for vdr-plugin-upnp here:
I also installed libupnp-1.6.6 with this dlna patch:
I'm using the plugin with VDR 1.7.15 and Playstation3. PS3 detects the VDR correctly, but there are no recordings or live channels available, it's just all empty.
When looking at the log file (with -vvvvv), i see this:
UPnP server message: Browse requested by UPnP server message: ===== Browsing ===== UPnP server message: ID: 0 UPnP server message: Browse metadata UPnP server message: Filter: @id,upnp:class,res,res@protocolInfo,res@av:authenticationUri,res@size,dc:title,upnp:albumArtURI,res@dlna:ifoFileURI,res@protection,res@bitrate,res@duration,res@sampleFrequency,res@bitsPerSample,res@nrAudioChannels,res@resolution,res@colorDepth,dc:date,av:dateTime,upnp:artist,upnp:album,upnp:genre,dc:contributer,upnp:storageFree,upnp:storageUsed,upnp:originalTrackNumber,dc:publisher,dc:language,dc:region,dc:description,upnp:toc,@childCount,upnp:albumArtURI@dlna:profileID,res@dlna:cleartextSize
UPnP server message: Offset: 0 UPnP server message: Count: 1 UPnP server message: Sort: (null) UPnP server message: Pushing property UPnP server message: Pushing property UPnP server message: Pushing property UPnP server message: Pushing property UPnP server message: Pushing property UPnP server error:Parsing filter failed
-- Teemu
2012/2/12 Timothy D. Lenz
I'm interested in this also, but we have 2 Sony Bravias. Hacking the Tv not an option. I do know that on ours, for youtube, you can do searches and stuff using an on screen alphabet that follows the letter to number grouping you see on phones. So it does have a way to enter stuff.
On 2/10/2012 1:43 PM, Luca Olivetti wrote:
Al 10/02/12 18:07, En/na Pim Zandbergen ha escrit:
I suppose you could use mediatomb with vdrnfofs to share your recordings.
Or hack the TV to simply nfs mount the directory with the recordings
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-- Teemu Suikki
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