On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Dominique dplu@free.fr wrote:
After reading all response, there is still an open question : why vdr do not simply store inside setup.conf the latest path of played recording ? As long it keep it in memory (press play resume the replay of records) ...
You will say : what about removed records outside vdr program ? it allready does by not playing them even if on the list , in my system, I read from a vdr client under smb vdr tree of a server and remove records from client, vdr server list is not allways up to date (a touch .update fix that)
It should be nice to have this feature in the system like the xineliboutput player plugin do
What about when a guy watches his recording but can't finish so he stops it and will return later. Before he can return, his wife comes and watches her recording. The last recording will now be the one the wife watched and not the guy. Many VDR systems are used by multiple people, not just one person only. I think 3 "viewed" flags are fine to keep track of unviewed/partial viewed/complete viewed.