What VDR version and patches do you use and which Multiproto driver?
vdr 170 + latest h.264 patch from Reinchard + multiproto_plus + latest hvr400 patch from Gregoire
For VDR 1.7.0 you also need the patches from Reinhard to work with the latest Multiproto driver. The plain 1.7.0 vdr does not work with the latest Multiproto.
yes, I know. I repeat - I can see dvb-s/s2 hdtv channels on my vdr , but I don't like this error in my logs.
Edgar (gimli) Hucek
no, it's really right and good channels.
OK, then it's different for you than for all other users.
why do you think that this error has link with wrong record in channels.conf or wrong channels ?