"C.Y.M" syphir@syphir.sytes.net wrote:
- Mplayer prefers to default to APID 1 over APID 0 (probably a mplayer problem,
not a mplayer plugin problem).
No, this is normal. See 'man mplayer': MPEG: 0-31 AVI/OGM: 1-99 ASF/RM: 0-127 VOB(AC3): 128-159 VOB(LPCM): 160-191 MPEG-TS: 17-8190
- Mplayer is unable to switch between apids on the fly if mplayer is started
out on a non-existing apid.
In order to make use of the configurable default apid, changes will need to be made to mplayer.sh to understand what "$AID" is.
IMO the configurable AID stuff should be removed from the mplayer plugin as it is a work-around for the formerly not existing switch-audio-on-the-fly function. I've always been against this sort of hack and told everyone in the german speaking VDR-Portal that it's not a good idea to implement this, because, as you found out, you have to examine the video and use different AIDs for the default audio track - depending on whether it's a mpeg, a avi - with or without AC3 sound and so on. I'm not willing to do this crap.
Please, Stefan, remove this mess - it was a mistake to implement it in the first place...
Cheers, Juri