Hi Brian,
On 26 July 2015 at 08:40, Brian Brian_Dorling@t-online.de wrote:
just a quick question about the script, which I use every day.
I need to merge XML data from 2 sources for my VDR. I tried just running the script twice, but I see that it clears VDR's EPG at the start. So that does not work.
First attempt was to remove the clear EPG instruction (CLRE I think), that is not a good idea.
So now I am left with 2 alternatives:
- Use two versions of the script, the first to run with the CLRE in,
the second to run without the CLRE in. A version where the CLRE could be skipped due to an input parm would be a great help..........
- Somehow merge the XML input files and then run the script just once.
I'll try that today, maybe that will work
Maybe you have an idea for a solution that I am missing
Unfortunately I no longer have a copy of the script available to remind myself, but it should be simple enough to allow it to accept multiple .xml files as arguments and read-in each of them in turn.