On 29 May 2005 Klaus Schmidinger Klaus.Schmidinger@cadsoft.de wrote:
Stefan Huelswitt wrote:
I found that recordings with a name ending in a space are not correctly reported by the LSTR command. This is because after creating the output line any trailing spaces are stripped. Recording names with a trailing space are e.g. created by VDR itselfs for repeating timers when there is not EPG subtitle available.
This patch fixes the problem:
This would mean that the '~' appears in the replay progress display, and avoiding that was the original intent of this.
IMHO this isn't a problem, if the name ends with a space it's displayed with a space. Otherwise the progress is misleading.
But if you want to obmit the ~ in the display, this should IMO be fixed in the menu class itself and not in the base recording class (rather than adding other obscure side effect there).