-----Original message----- From: Josce josce39@hotmail.com Sent: Fri 19-09-2008 13:36 To: n.wagenaar@xs4all.nl; Subject: RE: [vdr] reelbox plugin - help compiling
Did you try:
hg pull http://arvdr-dev.free-x.de:8080/testdvb/ hg pull http://jusst.de/hg/multiproto/ hg pull http://jusst.de/hg/multiproto_plus/
Tried http://jusst.de/hg/multiproto_plus/ and managed to get it without problems. Compiling it as I type this and so far no problems :)
Be sure to do this also:
cd multiproto_folder cd linux/include/linux ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include/linux/compiler.h ./
Change multiproto_folder to your folder wich contains multiproto (ie: multiproto_plus). You need this before you can compile VDR 1.7.0.
And concerning the eHD/reelbox plugin. Best thing is, to setup the plugin through VDR (Menu -> Setup -> Plugins -> Reelbox). I do this to, and I never had any problems what so ever.
Niels Wagenaar
Is there any sort of documentation about reelbox-plugin? I have all these "reelbox.xxx" settings in my setup.conf and haven't got a clue what they are.
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