C.Y.M wrote:
Harald Milz wrote:
A splashscreen on the FF card during boot (well, as early as possible) would be nice... just so that the screen doesn't stay dark. How could that be done?
Once you load the modules, you can call mplayer to display a splash video, then start vdr right after that.
Here is a snippet of my init.d script for vdr:
case "$1" in start) if ! ps -C vdr > /dev/null 2>&1; then cd /usr/local/bin ./insdvb.sh load echo -n "Starting $DESC: $NAME" /usr/bin/mplayer -vo mpegpes /etc/vdr/VDRboot.mpeg 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null & sleep 7 killall -q -TERM mplayer ./$DAEMON -v $VIDEO_DIR -E $EPG_DIR -c $CFG_DIR $OPTIONS \
test_stillimage from dvb-apps could also be used.