On Sun, 2005-04-03 at 19:07 +0200, Martin Cap wrote:
Hi !
The OSD still sucks, but I guess we made it suck a little less :)
Indeed, seems so, at least mostly.
This change introduces/triggers one new crash here, though. Not that tvonscreen >= 0.6.0 would be usable with DXR3 here anyway, I gave 0.7.0 a try with Martin's change applied; the exact change against vdr- dxr3-0-2 branch I'm using is attached. Every time the tvonscreen OSD is closed, I get a crash, backtrace attached. If I don't apply the patch, there's no crash, but parts of the tvonscreen OSD remain visible seemingly forever after closing it. Tvonscreen 0.5.2 continues to work pretty much ok with or without the patch applied.
Fixes to the above are of course welcome, but unless I see more new issues while testing this patch some more, I'll go ahead and apply it next week.
Bye, Martin Cap
Luca Olivetti wrote:
Martin Cap wrote:
Hi, Luca works great !
It works here too, even with yaepg. If you remove the logo display it's also possible to use the elchi skin with text2skin 1.0 (both with cDxr3PaletteManager or cPalette). Unfortunately the other skins available for text2skin 1.0 need more than the 16 colours the dxr3 is capable of showing.