I have a related phenomenon since I updated from VDR 1.3.34 (I think it was this version) to VDR 1.3.36. With previous versions, I had absolutely no problems when switching to Sat.1 and ProSieben from a non-DD-channel. Now, I often see heavy distortions/blocking when switching to one of those both channels. Sometimes, the blocks don´t disappear and the image can´t be watched. Sometimes it helps to switch back to the channel I previously was watching, if it doesn´t, I have to restart VDR which also reloads the drivers. My channel´s order: 3 - BR, 4 - Sat.1, 5 - RTL, 6 - ProSieben... I use a Nexus and one Nova-S on SuSE 9.1 with quite outdated drivers (from beginning 2005) - but they previously worked without problems. I also did not change the firmware when updating the VDR - that´s why I also think that the new bugs are VDR related, despite of the progress in driver, firmware and kernel development. I can´t promise that one of the new compiled plugins and patches might have introduce the problem, but I don´t think so as this error looks familiar to me (had this ages before with VDR 1.2.x and early VDR 1.3.x versions).
I recently planned to upgrade to a newer kernel (including new drivers), but reading all the complaints concerning kernels >2.6.12 and buffer overflows, I want to wait until those things are fixed.
Patrick Maier schrieb:
From: "Udo Richter" udo_richter@gmx.de
Since Monday, I had two VDSB restarts while a recording started on my secondary TT-budget card. Both times I was watching a recording that time, but that may be a random coincidence.
The same problem has a friend of mine... He has 2 FF and one LowBudget Card. He is running 2 instances of VDR for 2 TV's. The first VDR has one FF and one LB-Card, and the second VDR has the second FF-Card He is reporting, that when he is starting a timer or recording (at the moment I can't exactly say it) after exactly 30 seconds there is a VDSB-Error.
I'll ask him for more Information about his setup (VDR-Version, logfiles etc...)
Greetz Patrick
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