Ah, interesting. At first I was a bit sceptical, but streamdev still seems a bit active, if not by the original author.
I have a problem, though. The server is running fine but the client is segfaulting. And it has nothing to do (I think) with xineliboutput, because it only started when I actually activated the streamdev-client plugin.
So I first get the "learn remote control code" screen and after that it's gone.
By the way, I set the remote ip through the OSD, did I have to do it any other way?
Peer Oliver Schmidt schreef:
Jelle De Loecker wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've seen lots of tutorials about VDR but one thing still isn't clear: can it or can it not have multiple clients watching different programs?
I am using a central VDR system with 3 (or was it 4) DVB-S budget cars. And watch TV around the house using either VLC as a client, Xine, or the MediaMVP from Hauppauge (using the VOMPServer).
No problem what so ever. Using it since 2006 iirc.