I'm doing this quite frequently. I'm using following command to find the errors in vdr recordings:
cat $(ls -1 0*.ts | sort -n) | ffmpeg -i /dev/stdin -f null /dev/null 2>&1 | tee ffmpeg.log
2 lines are produces every second so the accuracy of error location depends on how fast the CPU is.
I tried several frame accurate editors in the past and found fame-ring being the best for this task.
I cut only MPEG2-TS but it should handle h.264 in TS too. The only downside of this editor is that it doesn't run under Wine, so I ended up with minimalistic WinXP installation in Qemu. Cutting the files on Samba share is pretty fast with virtio network driver.
On 02/19/2015 07:13 AM, cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl wrote:
Hi vdr list,
I have recorded the same show 3 times. The reception was not optimal, so the are a few places where there are glitches in the recordings. When I play the files with mplayer, i see messages in the terminal as mplayer tries to conceal the errors. The glitches are not in the same place on the 3 recordings. Is there some software that can detect the errors, and then replace the damaged sections with correct data from the other 2 files?
Kind regards, Cedric
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