I use vdr to view the ´tagesschau´ some time delayed every day. This leads to a collection of many recordings of this program but I am only interested in viewing the last one. Therefore I wished that old recordings disappear after some days to retain my overview and to increase my operating comfort. I thought that the parameter ´lifetime´ would be a solution for this problem, but this parameter is only a very soft hint to the vdr to kill some programs if it needs the disk space. To fullfill my requirements I modified vdr in that way that it kills programs after expiry of the given lifetime without any ifs and buts. The only condition is that the given lifetime lies below some limit (like 10 days). I added a new setup parameter ´hard-lifetime-limit´ which lets you control this limit. By default this parameter is zero and the vdr behaves like before. If you increase this value then any lifeteme which lies below this limit is treated as a hard lifetime limit and programs are killed in the described manner.
Is anybody interested in this patch?
Regards, thus