On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 02:44:40PM +0200, cedric.dewijs@telfort.nl wrote:
How can I get, compile, package and install the latest versions on debian?
If I remember correctly, I did roughly the following:
1. apt-get source vdr (version 1.7) 2. Get the VDR 2.x source package 3. Replace the contents of the apt-get checkout with 2.x 4. Adjust or remove the Debian patches as needed 5. fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage 6. dpkg -i ../*.deb
I have the 2.0.x source checkout on my VDR box. I can check it if you need more details.
BTW, compiling the softdevice (not softhddevice) plugin took some more effort, including installing suitably old ffmpeg and DirectFB. :)