Jakob Lenfers wrote:
Pasi Juppo schrieb:
[Video without sound] Video clips were using AC3. They have used to work fine so I downgraded to mplayer 1.0 pre 8 and now the audio gets passed through to the amplifier via FF card.
I guess I've got a similar problem as you have: Sometimes I get only video, sometimes only audio! (on the same files, I can't find out when which happens.)
But it all started after I upgraded accidently mplayer. :-( Does someone has a .deb against debian stable of 1.0pre8 so I don't have to compile it myself?
This problem is solved now. Solution was this simple. Change mplayer.sh.conf AC3AOUT="-ac hwac3" to AC3AOUT="-ao mpegpes -ac hwac3".
Br, Pasi