On 17.11.20 12:17, Harald Milz wrote:
Hi Klaus and all,
it appears that option parsing for the --log option is still broken, as described in this thread: https://www.vdr-portal.de/forum/index.php?thread/108924-gel%C3%B6st-logging-... ...
In your patch, if optarg is longer than 3 characters, strncpy() wouldn't terminate 'copy' with 0.
This should do, too:
--- vdr.c 2020/05/18 16:47:29 4.33 +++ vdr.c 2020/11/17 17:11:51 @@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ SysLogLevel = l; if (!p) break; + *p = '.'; if (isnumber(p + 1)) { int l = atoi(p + 1); if (0 <= l && l <= 7) {
The first break doesn't matter, because p is NULL in that case and thus optarg has not been changed.