Rainer Zocholl wrote:
linuxtv@hertell.com(Rene Hertell) 14.02.05 09:00
Once upon a time "Rene Hertell " shaped the electrons to say...
F*cked up mail-clients like Outlook don't handle the replies correctly, and they try to reply directly to the sender, instead of replying to the list..
Emm, "Out of office" never belongs to the "list". maybe the "list owner" (=return path).
I would not worry if i got one "Out of office"" for my mailing, it i mail. But i would worry if the list is littered with an ""Out of office" for every post...every someone changed his "Out of office" state..
The out of office replies are probably because mailinglist has reportedly "forgot" user options, so that people who previuosly had a "no mail" -option set, now receive the ml messages.